Introspective Networks is headquartered in the beautiful state of Colorado. Our founding team is composed of veterans in the worlds of computer science, telecommunications, and business. The team has over 100 years of combined experience and know-how.
Anthony Scott Thompson
Founder, President, T-CEO, and Board Chairman

Anthony started life immersed in technology regularly visiting Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ. with his father, Bell Labs Fellow Dr. Larry F. Thompson. While playing with electron microscopes, fiber optics and other interesting things at Bell Labs, he also, while still a teen, experienced beta testing the first lines of Apple computers and accessing ARPANet in the early 80’s. These early experiences piqued Anthony’s curiosity around networking and computer science making him a true “outlier”. He has combined those experiences with education (MS/CS from CU) and experience (25+ in software development, 20+ years in telecommunications and 15+ years in leadership) to cultivate multiple critical, seminal patents to form the basis of the company he founded – Introspective Networks.
Prior to founding Introspective Networks, Anthony developed systems maintaining and controlling global networks for one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies. He led teams developing next generation solutions and has experience managing multi-million dollar budgets.
Among other technology, Anthony invented STOP, the core technology behind SmokeNet, Introspective Networks’ flagship product. He has a number of patents on this and other Introspective Networks inventions.
Steven Cummings
Vice President of Operations & Co-Founder

Steven has spent a majority of his career building and managing networks and has earned degrees in Electronics and Information Technology. He served a successful term in the U.S. Air Force, where he held a Top Secret/SCI security clearance, working on critical Air Force networks supporting missions globally.
After the USAF, Steven moved on to manage groups deploying large, wide area networks for some of the country’s largest providers, later focusing on creating software minimizing the potential for human error on critical systems, where outages or errors can have devastating impacts on emergency services, financial markets, and corporate networks, as well as military and government communications. He has hands-on experience developing network automation capabilities.
More than two decades of experience with both military and civilian networks and equipment, along with exposure to computers and programming at a young age have contributed to Steven’s success. He has worked with Anthony developing software since 2008 and has worked since 2013 to help bring STOP technology to fruition. He has multiple patents on Introspective Networks inventions.
USAF Brigadier General Ian Dickinson (ret)
Board Member

General Dickinson has a unique perspective on the criticality of the technology from Introspective Networks. His USAF bio states:
“He (was) responsible for organizing, training, and equipping the Air Force’s space and cyber forces with communications and information capability, enabling 14th and 24th Air Forces to support U.S. Strategic Command and U.S. Cyber Command. General Dickinson also act(ed) on behalf of the Commander, Air Force Space Command, as the Air Force’s Designated Approval Authority for systems connecting to the Air Force network and for the AFSPC’s $11.4 billion space and cyberspace mission system portfolio.”
With an earned post-graduate degree in Computer Science, General Dickinson understands the validity of STOP/SmokeNet Technology. Ian is also well schooled in government policy providing the background to help Introspective Networks navigate getting this approved for use by the US Government. General Dickinson currently is the COO of BryceTech, an analytics and engineering firm, based in Alexandria, VA.
General Dickinson works approximately 60 hours per quarter in his role of Board Director for Introspective Power, Inc. dba Introspective Networks and continues to serve as COO for BryceTech full-time.
Full USAF Bio:
USAF Lieutenant Colonel J. Michael Kretzer (ret)
Board Member

During his tenure with the Air Force, Mr. Kretzer, as a technical director, assisted the 688th CyberSpace Wing and 16th AF Commander by providing technical guidance and reviewing, evaluating, and formulating policies, as well as developing concepts and objectives governing the mission of the center, Wing, and Numbered Air Force. The 688th CW is a subordinate unit of 16th Air Force and Air Combat Command and is the Air Force’s premier cyberspace warfighting organization dedicated to delivering actionable intelligence and tactics, techniques, and procedures, deployable warfighter communications, engineering and installation capabilities, defensive cyber operations, and network security operations across the Air Force Information Network enterprise.
Lieutenant Colonel (ret) Kretzer began his military career as an electronics engineer specializing in communications with Electronic Security Command at Kelly AFB, Texas. Mr. Kretzer transitioned from military service to Air Force civilian service in I982. He has served at various positions within Air Intelligence Agency and its predecessor units, culminating with 16th Air Force.
Mr. Kretzer is a former US Air Force senior cybersecurity strategist and expert on internet-based technology impacts to military capabilities with a focus on how these technologies can impact the military’s ability to protect its network infrastructure from outside and inside attacks.
Based on his extensive cybersecurity training and cryptography experience with the US Air Force, Mr. Kretzer understands the vital impact SmokeNet can have in protecting the US military’s digital assets and information.
Mr. Kretzer is trained in electronic security and information warfare and holds a Master of Science degree in management from Stanford University. During his USAF tenure, Mr. Kretzer was a Sloan fellow at Stanford University. He was also awarded the Meritorious Senior Professional Presidential Rank Award once and the Distinguished Senior Professional Presidential Rank Award twice.
Full USAF Bio: