Introspective Networks and Overture Networks are working together to enable Introspective Networks’ patented STOP technology on Overture software-defined services (SDS) platforms. This will allow Introspective Networks to deliver and resell STOP-based IPSec, VPN and firewall services on Overture’s carrier-class hardware platforms.
As part of this effort, Introspective Networks has joined the Overture Harmony Partner Ecosystem. Harmony is an ecosystem of hardware, software and services partners focused on accelerating service providers’ automation and virtualization initiatives.
The Harmony Partner Ecosystem enables an open environment, which is essential for the realization of software-defined services (SDS.) It allows service providers to select best-of-breed components with confidence they will work together seamlessly.
Introspective Networks will start rolling out products on Overture SDS-enabled equipment in Q1 2016.